Press Release

June 15, 2022



The Helping Center announces new Little Free Library at Book Fair

The Helping Center was honored to host NASA representatives at its first annual READ4LIFE Kids’ Free Book Fair on June 11th.  The event featured Story Time from Space, reading theater, a make-it-yourself lemonade table, bookmark table, and large free book fair.  Nearly 1,000 books were selected by local children to take to their homes, and excess books are now being donated to Head Start and Highland Lakes Boys and Girls Clubs.

Pictured (left to right) are Jennifer Buchli, Deputy Chief Scientist at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, and Elizabeth “E.T.” Taylor, Project Manager at the NASA Ames Research Center.  At the fair, Ms. Buchli and Ms. Taylor unveiled a Little Free Library which is located at the new “Cozy Corner” reading area.  The purpose of this little library, which may be accessed by the public at any time, is to encourage children and families to read.  At the library, children are encouraged to either “leave a book” or “take a book” to add to their reading collection.

A special thanks goes to underwriter The Resort at Horseshoe Bay Resort 2021 Mah Jongg Tournament and partner sponsors Community Resource Centers of Texas and Atmos Energy; each of which provided funding for the book fair and library.

The new Little Free Library can be found in front of The Helping Center and Community Resource Center at 1016 Broadway, Marble Falls.